Saturday, August 14, 2010

Our House

In case you are wondering what our house looks like here it is.

The front, we live on the right side.

And this is part of the backyard.

Derrick's First Birthday

For Derrick's 1st Birthday we bought cupcakes gave him his own special one with a candle on top.

He got a little upset about not being able to touch the fire. But after we put the cupcake on his tray he was better. It didn't take him long to discover it was good.

Weekend at the Lake House

This weekend Brad invited us to his parents Lake House in Gravois Mills. It was beautiful.

Friday night we played on the swim dock. We feed the catfish and watched the sunset.

Then we started a fire and ate snacks.

Then Saturday morning we woke up and Brad bought them each a life jacket. They were in heaven.

We spent the whole day swimming in the lake and riding on Curtis's boat, and wave runner. (Curtis is the Mobile guy that lives in Kansas City.)

Declan got to ride on the wave runner

with Daddy! He loved going fast!

Inside the Lake House Derrick learned to walk using a little red chair and the tile floor.

The Lake House was such a fun trip- Everyone had a good time. And best of all,

they slept the entire way home and a couple of them couldn't wake up when we got home!!!!!!

Monday, August 2, 2010


I couldn't help making a new post just for pictures of Derrick. He is getting so big. It seems like all of a sudden he isn't a baby anymore. I is so animated and his personality just shines now.

He loves to play with his older brothers!!!

Pop-Up Trailer Campout

One of the guys from St. Louis gave us this tent trailer. The kids have been wanting to set it up and play/sleep in it, so this weekend we did it. Mike pulled it from the garage into the backyard.

After we go it set up the kids spent some time playing in it.

Then they packed their pillows and blankets and carried them out.

As they were getting their jammies on Declan kept saying "There no monsters in trailer."
So I wasn't sure if he would make it the whole night, and sure enough after a while he came back inside with me."

Mike and the two older boys stayed outside all night.

Hyrum with his new phone. (Mommy's old one.)

Train in Moberly

For one of the Friday fieldtrips we went to Moberly (which is about 30 minutes away) for a ride on the trains. Each cart was homemade. The first ride we all rode on the blue train, the second time Hyrum and Brandon got to ride on the red train.
eDeclan wasn't to happy that there wasn't any room on the red train and that he had to ride with mom.
Brandon was loving it. It was a great adventure. We went over a bridge and thru a tunnel.